23.3. — 28.3.2024


4. InternationalMusic Competition



To apply, contestants must fill in the application form that can be downloaded from the link at the end of this page and it needs to be send by e-mail to the Competition Secretary office at info@musicagoritiensis.eu by March 10, 2024 along with the following documentation:

  • application form both Excel and signed PDF format (for minors with parents’ signatures);
  • official ID (minors must also submit a copy of parents’ IDs)
  • proof of payment of the registration fee:
    • cat. “A” € 60,00
    • cat. “B” € 70,00
    • cat. “C” € 80,00
    • cat. “D” € 90,00
    • cat. “E” € 100,00

to be paid by bank transfer to:

c/o Banca di Cividale, Corso G. Verdi 40, Gorizia
IBAN: IT 34 A 054 841 240 100 000 003 6225; BIC (SWIFT) CIVIIT2C
reason for payment »Competition Musica Goritiensis – NAME and SURNAME of the candidate, INSTRUMENT and CATEGORY«

  • a PDF file of the scores for instrument and piano, if a local accompanist is requested;
  • proof of payment of the € 50,00 fee if a local accompanist is requested.

Musica Goritiensis competition secretary office

Viale XX Settembre, 85 34170 Gorizia (Italy)