23.4. — 28.4.2024


4. InternationalMusic Competition



Artistic Director prof. Alessandra Schettino

predsednik žirije / presidente giuria / president of the jury

Stefano Zanchetta - Italija

Benečan Stefano Zanchetta je študiral violino pri prof. Siriu Padovanu na konservatoriju B. Marcello v Benetkah. Z odliko je diplomiral iz violine in viole ter istočasno študiral klavir in kompozicijo. Izpopolnjeval se je na Mozarteumu v Salzburgu pri prof. Sandorju Veghu, študij komorne glasbe pa pri prof. Antoniu Janigru. V Triu z Mariom Brunellom in Massimom Somenzijem je prejel prestižne nagrade na priznanih tekmovanjih, kot so tekmovanje komornih zasedb v Parizu in prestižno mednarodno tekmovanje za komorne zasedbe v Colmarju. Na tekmovanju Auditorium 1978, ki ga je razglasila državna radio televizija RAI, je bil izbran kot edini violinist in nagrajen z neposrednim radijskim prenosom violniskega recitala v turinskem Avditoriju. Pet let zaporedoma je na violinskih revijah v Vittoriu Venetu prejel več prvih nagrad. Poleg poučevanja na Konservatoriju v Benetkah, se je uveljavljal kot violinist in koncertiral v najpomembnejših koncertnih dvoranah in teatrih po svetu kot npr. v Carnegie Hall v New Yorku, v dvorani Tchaikovsky v Moskvi ter na Japonskem, Avstraliji, Kitajski, Južni Ameriki, ZDA, Novi Zelandiji in po celi Evropi ter srednjem vzhodu. Kot koncertni mojster je sodeloval v orkestru Gledališča La Fenice v Benetkah, v orkestru državnega radia in televizije RAI v Rimu, v simfoničnem orkestru iz Aquile v Abrucih, v orkestru gledališča v Trevisu, v deželnem orkestru iz Vidma, v mladinskem italijansko-slovenskem orkestru, ter kot solist v italijanskem godalnem orkestru, ki ga je vodil Mario Brunello. Zanimanje za glasbo iz 20. stoletja ga je privedlo do izvajanja glasbenih del A. Berga, K. Weilla, R. Zandonaia, Schnittkov koncert, itd. V okviru baročne glasbe je sodeloval z orkestri I Virtuosi di Roma, A. Vivaldi iz Benetk, ki ga je ustanovil njegov profesor Sirio Piovesan, i Sonatori della Gioiosa Marca s Cecilio Bartoli v dvorani Musikverein na Dunaju. Snemal je za založbe Erato, s Claudiom Scimonejem in I Solisti Veneti, Decca, Cpo iz Berlina, Divox, Phone, Denon in druge. Na željo maestra Claudia Abbada je bil član prvih violin prestižnega orkestra festivala v Lucerni in v tem sestavu sodeloval na številnih koncertih v Musikvereinu na Dunaju s solistom Mauriziom Pollinijem. Kot član žirije sodeluje v različnih violinskih tekmovanjih, kot npr. Postacchini v Markah, Vittorio Veneto, Treviso in druga. Pred kratkim je objavil 12 etud za violino ter 4 skladbe za violino in klavir po romanu “Città invisibili” Itala Calvina. V kratkem bo tudi objavljeno delo Paganiniana za violino solo. Leta 1980 je začel s poučevanjem violine na konservatoriju B. Marcello v Benetkah in veliko število dijakov, ki je diplomiralo pod njegovim mentorstvom, ima sedaj pomembne vloge v prestižnih simfoničnih orkestrih in komornih zasedbah. Zvest violinski tradiciji njegovega mentorja Siria Piovesana (ki beneški šoli združuje madžarsko J. Hubaya in E. Zathureszkija), je upoštevan kot edini dedič te šole, katere želi nadaljevati dragoceno poučenje.

Galina Buinovschi –  Rep. of Moldova

Galina Buinovschi, born in 1950 in Chisinau in Rep. of Moldova, has graduated the “Eugen Coca” Special Middle Music School from Chisinau in 1969. She studied violin in the class of M. Berihman. After which she went on and continued her studies at the “P.I. Tchaikovsky” Moscow State Conservatory as a student of Dmitry Tziganov. After her graduation in 1974 – comes back to Moldova and starts her pedagogical activity as teacher of violin at the “Eugen Coca” Special Middle Music School. Later she got promoted to Chief of the “Stringed Instruments” Department in the same school, in the same time as becoming a member of the Moldovan TeleRadio Chamber Music Orchestra. After the reforming of the “E. Coca” School, in 1990, becomes Director of the “C. Porumbescu” Republican Music Lyceum until 2016. Chief member of the “E. Coca” International Music Competition Organisational Comitee from 1995 to 2016 (21 editions). Among her numerous prolific disciples and laureates we find the names of : Ala Benderschi, Alexandru Ureche, Dumitrita Vieru, Dan-Iulian Drutac, Vladimir Axionov, Maria Postolache, Stefan-Gabriel Luta, Dumitru Pocitari (Winner of the Dubai International Violin Competition – Grand Prize in 2022 and concertmaster of the Tel-Aviv Symphonic Orchestra from 2016 to 2023, and recently concertmaster of the Vienna Symphonic Orchestra ), Ionel Manciu (concertmaster of the Amsterdam Symphonic Orchestra), Ilian Garnetz (Winner of the “Tibor Varga” International Violin Competition held in Switzerland; 3rd prize at the “Queen Elisabeth” International Violin Competition held in Bruxelles, Belgium, concertmaster of the Bamberg Symphony Orchestra – Germany), Alexandra Conunova (winner at the “J. Joachim” International Violin Competition held in Hannover, Germany; 3rd Prize at the “P.I. Tchaikovsky” International Competition in Moscow, Russia), and many more. Has been invited to various international violin competitions as a member of the jury throughout Romania, Russia, Bulgaria, Moldova, Belarus, Ukraine. Held several masterclasses in Moldova, Belarus, Bulgaria, Romania, Finland, etc. In 2000 has been awarded with the honorary “Master of Arts” award, in May 2011 – the “Ordinul Republicii” award, and in august 2014 – the “National Prize”.

Helfried Fister - Austria

Helfried Fister, born in 1952 in Carinthia / Austria, received his first musical education at the Carinthian State Conservatory with prof. Gustav Mayer. After graduating with distinction he went on to continue his studies with prof. Igor Ozim at the Hochschule in Cologne, where he was his assistant from 1978 to 1989. From 1989 to 2018 he was Professor at the Carinthian State Conservatory / Austria and from 1999 to 2017 he teached at the “Johann Joseph Fux” Conservatory in Graz. In both Conservatories he hold the office of the Head of strings Departments. He was also chairman of the board of the “Carinthian music schools” being responsible for the development of the music school system in the years 1992 – 1998.
Helfried Fister conducts violin and chamber music masterclasses in many countries of the world and sits on the panel of judges at many national and international violin, viola and chamber music competitions. Helfried Fister performs as a soloist and chamber musician in many countries of the world. In 2017-2018 he was Member of the development team of the newly founded “Gustav Mahler Private Music University Klagenfurt /Austria”, being responsible for the conception and  implementation of all curriculums and study regulations.

Vasilij Meljnikov - Slovenia

Violinist Professor Vasily Melynikov studied at the Minsk Academy of Music with violinist Olga Parkhomenko, a pupil of the renowned David Oistrakh. He also completed his postgraduate studies with her with honours, giving two solo recitals and defending his postgraduate thesis. Peter I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow. He began his teaching career as a professor at a special secondary school for extraordinary music. He was also a member of the State Chamber Orchestra of Belarus, with which he gave concerts in the countries of the former Soviet Union and elsewhere in Europe. Since 1990 he has been teaching and working in Slovenia. As a soloist and member of chamber ensembles, he has performed on many major concert stages, concert series and festivals in Slovenia and abroad. In 1997 he was awarded first prize at the Vienna Modern Masters International Competition in Vienna. For two years he was a member of the string quartet Camerata Slovenica with Primož Novšak, Milet Kosi, and Ciril Škerjanc and since 1998 has been a member of the Ljubljana Piano Trio with pianist Sijavus Gadžijev and cellist Igor Mitrovic. Teaching has always been an important part of his work. He began teaching at the Academy of Music in Ljubljana in 1993 and has been a full-time professor since 2000. He taught at the SGBŠ-KGBL Secondary School of Music from 1992 to 2022 and is the winner of the Škerjanč Prize. His many pupils and students have won prizes at national and international competitions, frequently perform on concert stages and are frequent soloists with various orchestras, as well as winners of the Prešeren Prizes of the Academy of Music in Ljubljana. Since 2007 he has been a full professor and from 2012 to 2018 he was the head of the String Department. From 2001 to 2012, he was the mentor of the Academy of Music Symphony Orchestra, which became famous for its high-profile concerts at home and abroad. From 2004 to 2010 he was concertmaster of the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra. Since 2010 he has been actively involved with the Zagreb Soloists ensemble. Vasilij Meljnikov is the recipient of the Betetto Prize and the Golden Plaque of the University of Ljubljana for outstanding artistic and pedagogical merits.

Diana Mustea – Moldova/Italy

Diana Mustea, born into a family of musical traditions, began studying violin at the age of 5 at the Musical High school C. Porumbescu of Chisinau in Moldova. She attended then the State Academy of music G. Dima of Cluj Napoca (Romania), where she graduated with honors under the guidance of renowned violinist M° Stefan Ruha, with whom she often exhibited in duo, collaborating also with the prestigious Quartet of Romanian State Quartet Transylvania. She performes also as a soloist with major orchestras in Romania and Moldova, playing and recording for Radio and TV Moldova. In 2005 she received from Moldovan Government the Prize for music 2005 for her activity. After moving to Italy, she has improved for four years at the Academy W. Stauffer of Cremona under the guidance of M° S. Accardo and, becoming part of the Italian Chamber Orchestra, she has participated in successful concerts in Italy and abroad, recording also The Concerts at Madama Palace.
She is also performed as a duo and in prestigious chamber ensembles with important musicians such as Bruno Canino, Jan Talich, Gil Scharon, Atar Arad, etc. She recorded also the DVD Amati in concert for the Radio and Television Linburg (Holland). She has worked with the orchestras of the theatres S. Carlo in Naples, Carlo Felice in Genova,Maggio Musicale Fiorentino in Florence and G. Verdi in Trieste. Since 2006, alongside the concert activity, she has been dedicating to teach, holding the chair of violin at the I.S.S.M. G. Puccini of Gallarate, at the Conservatory of music F. Torrefranc of Vibo Valentia, at the Conservatory of music J. Tomadini of Udine. She is currently professor of violin at the Conservatory G. Tartini in Trieste and is part of the Orchestra of the Foundation of the Theatre Verdi in Trieste.